Meet Handling

Handling for competitions involves reading the competition attempts board and making executive decisions on weight selections to obtain the best possible outcome. Along with attempt select a Coach, Chad will be catering to your every need, including warm-up timing, eating, hydration, and other intake protocols. Every competition has its unforeseen variables, and with Coach Chad handling you, you will be able to handle any situation and come out on top.


While being one of Coach Chad’s athletes, he will do everything possible to prepare you for your big day. Providing all the physical training procedures necessary for success leading up to the event, including peaking. He will also provide you with a comprehensive guide to your competition, leaving no information out. Along with a complete guide for the ins and outs of the competition, you will receive a thorough attempt selection spreadsheet that will cover any scenario that may occur at your event. Handling competitions involves reading the competition attempts board and making executive decisions on weight selections to obtain the best possible outcome. Along with attempt selection by  Coach Chad, will be catering to your every need, including warm-up timing, eating, hydration, and other intake protocols. Every competition has its unforeseen variables, and with Coach Chad handling you, you will be able to handle any situation and come out on top. 


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